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  • Writer's pictureJ. V. Laxina

5 Strategic Steps For Freelancers to Attract Your Ideal Clients

In “5 Strategic Steps for Freelancers to Attract Your Ideal Clients”, we hope to help you to get the ideal clients that will lead you to success, whether you’re just starting as a freelancer or you’re looking to get a long term client. This is desired for you to have a working strategy that’ll help you reach the right people and convert them into clients. There are a lot of platforms where you can start, like social media, Upwork, Online, Outsourcely, and the like. The steps below will help you to have a good strategy in attracting your ideal clients.

1.) Determine your niche market

Understanding who your target audience is crucial so that you can offer a service to your ideal clients. Even if you’re already working as a freelancer, it will help to spend some time focusing on defining what your niche market is. Determining your niche and understanding it is a key step to putting you on the right path to attract your ideal clients.

2.) Find out where the clients in your niche market are

This simple step is one of the most important for freelancers to attract new clients. Once you identify your niche market or target industry, you can look into people to connect with them to convert them into a client. Join the online discussions they participate in. Find out what events they are attending and jump into them to have a  new network and industry meet-ups that are great interacting with new potential clients. LinkedIn is the best place for joining your niche market if you are a social media manager you can connect to the people who are an owner of a freelancing agency in that case you have the chance to pass your application or the client might recognize you quickly and eventually the client will hire you.

3.) Create your freelancing website

As a freelancer, creating your website is not compulsory but it will be helpful throughout your freelancing. Having a website will allow your ideal clients to see your portfolio and experience if you are fit working together, your website and your entire online presence need to be professional to convert your ideal clients in the future.Some of your site visitors don’t know what niche you are offering to the market, make sure to keep your website simple and detailed so that they will just reach with you quickly once they like you, to work with their business or organization. In that case, you have a chance to be hired for this client.

4.) Show your Testimonials

Nowadays people don’t only trust recommendations from people they just know, they want to see a testimonial from your previous clients such as feedback, similar job title, and experience it will make them feel more comfortable with the idea of hiring you. Testimonials will help to recognize that you aren’t fake and will make it easy for your ideal clients to see how satisfied your previous clients that you had done in the past.

5.) Create a price list for your ideal client

Your rates should be suitable for your ideal client, you need also to compare to the going market rates for the services you are offering. Do your assignment to research and find the appropriate ranges of price to your price list, you can also include rates for a bundle of services and give them a discount.We are to help!

We hope these “5 Strategic Steps for Freelancers to Attract Your Ideal Clients” will help you to get your ideal clients in the future. Put them into action, you’ll quickly find your freelancing career growing and you will find yourself tough once you just keep pushing and learning.We desire all the best in your digital career.

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